Why Lammas is one of my favourite times of the archetypal year…
Lammas, also known as Lughnasad (pronounced LOO-nuh-suh), is halfway between
Summer Solstice (Litha) and Autumnal Equinox (Mabon), on August 1st.
If you follow me, you already know Lughnasad (Lammas) is one of my favourite times of the archetypal
seasonal year. Why? First harvest is just so rewarding and hopeful at the same time. This
year, let’s harvest …
- Lavender
- Hazelnuts
- Cat Tails (bulrushes)
In Earth based spirituality, I invite you to ritualize the gathering of lavender for incredible December Solstice gifts that you prepare now! Cutting lavender, drying it, and enjoying the sensation of removing the buds with your fingers is very therapeutic. The aroma of lavender is
also known to be relaxing and stress reducing.
Image credit: Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Gather hazelnuts for yummy nut butter. One recipe passed on to me by my friend Sheila is adapted from Downshiftology.
Roast two cups of hazelnuts at 350* for 12 minutes to free up oils and loosen skins. Cool, then rub off skins as best you can. Puree nuts for 4 or 5 minutes in processor until creamy. Then add 2 or 3 TBSP of coconut oil, 1/4 cup of cocoa, 2/3 cups of coconut sugar, and 1 TSP of vanilla extract. Blend until smooth but don’t over blend.
Sheila suggests adding some almond butter at the end to soften any bitter dark chocolate flavour. This is just such a yummy treat, especially on graham crackers or arrowroot cookies!
Image credit: M Alazia on Unsplash
Cat Tails (Bulrushes)
Cut stalks of cat tails (bulrushes) and let them dry outside between now and each of hummingbirds’ three fledgings in Spring and early Summer. It is just so heartwarming to watch the parents pull out tufts of the white fluff from the cat tail stalks to make nests in the Spring!
Image credit: Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Lammas… rewarding and hopeful! Enjoy!
For more earth-based wisdom surrounding pagan holidays (and guidance on how to put it into practice) see these posts on my blog. For much more from SpiritFirst, visit my Instagram feed and my Facebook author page.
In light,