A simple “death & rebirth” ritual you can do this season to release what no longer serves you, and to welcome in something new.
If you feel ready to let go of a person, relationship, stage of life, fantasy, or habit, Ostara is the perfect time of year for a ritual. Remember, rituals are how our unconscious and conscious speak to each other. Through ritual, you are bringing to the surface something hidden or unmanifest. You will experience a definite energetic shift through ritual if your intention is authentic and you are ready to let go.

If you don’t have an outdoor altar, it’s easy to make one on a patio table or bird bath on your deck or patio, or to move your indoor earth tray outdoors. Remember the simple description of an earth tray or altar? It can be found here.
Choose an item or image that represents what you are allowing to die; something you feel it is now time to let go of, or to release. Place this item on your altar. Then, choose another item or image that represents what you hope for; something you are inviting in to your life.
A simple ritual is to acknowledge the four directions by turning to face each direction, inviting the healing properties of earth/north; air/east; fire/south; and water/west to guide you in what you are letting go of, and what you are inviting in. State your intention: “I am releasing …. and I am inviting in ….” Remove an item from you altar that represents what you are allowing to die, and add a pre-selected item which represents what you are inviting in. You may choose to burn the item you removed, to bury it, or to release it in some way that is meaningful to you. Please respect your environment (our Mother Earth) with your choice.
In light,