Tag: imbolc
How can we embrace the hope Spring offers in 2025 by appreciating Candlemas/Imbolc? Last year at this time, you told me you appreciated learning the origins of spiritual practices as the earth moves around the sun. Candlemas/Imbolc (pronounced ‘eem-mulk’) is almost upon us again on February 1st. In Celtic spirituality, Imbolc is about halfway between…
What is Imbolc?
“Dear Ms. Terry, What exactly is Imbolc? Curious, Esther” Dear Esther, Imbolc (pronounced em-bulk) is February 1st this year. In Celtic spirituality, Imbolc is about halfway between Winter Solstice/Yule (December 21st) and Spring Equinox/Ostara (March 19th). It is an important celebration of Brigid, the Celtic goddess of fertility, waterways, fire and smithwork. If you want to…