To my dear Facebook Author Page followers and Newsletter subscribers, I am updating you on my book progress.
I finished writing the complete draft of my book before leaving on my Goddess
Pilgrimage to Crete, Greece this past September. Up to that point, I had been
sharing draft chapters with my Sophia Women’s Wisdom sisterhood, with my
own sister-friend, and with other women I serve who I thought would benefit
from particular strategies in the book. Their feedback has been invaluable.
One major result has been the re-naming of my book to Another Spring: A
Year of Self Therapy & Spiritual Practices.
I am learning so much about the publishing world! I’m learning that once a
book proposal is sent to publishers, it takes at least 7 to 12 months (or longer)
for them to respond! I write and send proposals once a week now but it could
be this time next year (or longer) before I know anything. When I actually do
hear back, that is when the real publishing process finally starts!!
I am learning that this process is years in the making, not weeks or months, I may not
want to wait that long as many of you have expressed interest in purchasing my book
now (or at least sooner). This is why I am considering self publishing in 2024. I haven’t
made a final decision yet so I will continue sending out proposals to traditional
publishers. I promise to keep you updated.
Thank you from my heart for your kindness, your support and most of all –
patience! One way I can properly thank you is to provide you with excerpts on
a semi regular basis from what might be a long awaited book, and to continue
to offer you soul food with posts, strategies, and practices on my Facebook
Meta Author page and in my blogs on my website.
I ask you to please share pieces and posts with your friends or family who
might benefit from them. As each one of us evolves consciously, we
contribute to the collective consciousness of everyone on the planet.
I truly believe together we could save our beautiful home by individually working on
ourselves. We can save the world by saving ourselves. That’s my personal message
and why I do the work I do, and write what I write.
I am also asking you to be patient with the reality of the publishing world, and to stick
with me through this.
Keep loving and honoring yourself.
Thank you.
Terry Folks, Solstice 2023
Now please… watch your inbox over the while for my Winter Solstice/Yule Tea with Terry
Newsletter. I have included a special gift for you there from my book. Please do check
your spam/junk folder as sometimes Mailchimp newsletters end up there. You can make that
stop happening by identifying these emails as “not junk”.